A downloadable tool

It's a command-line exe made by me to check some steam performance directly and legally scanned from the website.
The zip file contains 2 files: steamcheck.exe which does all the heavy lifts, and the run_with_config.bat which can be configured.
It takes 3 parameters: Your game's name, the genre you want to check (such as "Supernatural", "Modern", "Open%20World" basically any tags), the performance meter (such as "TopSellers", "ConcurrentUsers","NewReleases","TopRated")
After setting those 3 parameters in the "run_with_config.bat" and run it,
The program will use your default IE on your Windows system to scan Steam webpages.
Page by page until it finds your game.

For example: if I use "Neolithic" "Modern" "TopSellers" as parameters, it will be found on page 10 or 11 right now. (Pretty good result for a game that is not even released yet. Actually, I think it's among the best unreleased games in this genre right now  )

The program is coded with AU3. Thus, many anti-virus software will complain. That's false-positive.
I developed a similar tool for Hypereal's marketing department to check all VR games' performance on Steam many years ago. (When Hypereal was still the biggest VR start-up in China back then.) Thus, it is likely a well-tested method.

Anyway, how bad can we do on Steam after all?
Almost nobody can do worse than EU4's Leviathan DLC.